Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Building Words in Bisaya Part 1

Kita Magbinisaya Word Builder

For Bisaya / Cebuano language enthusiasts

We are about to launch a range of vocabulary. Cebuano word stems can produce

many words. This was fun, would be to build your vocabulary by association.

We begin with the word Balay ( "home" in English). Note: the word in the following sentence:

Asa ang inyong balay? (Where is your house?)
Kana ang balaySA doctor. (This is the doctor's house.)
Kadto Balay nga ang tawhan. (This is the haunted house.)
Kini ang Balay below. (This is our home.)
BA Mao kini ang inyong balay? (E 'this house?)
Walay balay ang mga bata. (The children have no home.)
Nada ang walay Balay sa igsoon iyang. (House of the brother is not pretty.)

Balay can give us another way

baláybaláy go from house to house.

Nagbaláybaláysila pagkampanya. (They sit down from door to door).

1. balaybalay, temporary house, hut, home game.

Nindot sa mga bata ang balaybalay. (Children's Theater is beautiful)
Dunay balaybalay sa Suba mourning. (There are huts near the river.)

2nd Balayan, every empty shell of a house or container used.

Balayan sa bao shell (turtle)
pusporo (Matchbox) --

In fact sulod ang wala sa Balayan pusporo. (The Match Boxempty)

3rd Balayan, even at home based games for children, as Tago-Tago (Hide and Seek)

inapasa (catch-me-if-you-can)

Sat Balayan paingon Dagan. (Run to the base.)
Wala sa Balayan SI kaabot has not made Pedro (Pedro, the starting point.)

4th Kabalayán - group of houses for accommodation

Kabalayan know Kummer Merkado nec (The market is located near the area of housing)

5th Tagbaláy - ownerHome

Tagbalay kinsa ang? (Who is the owner of the house?)
Tagbalay dinhi wala ang (The owner of the house is not here.)

6th Panimaláy - Family

Malipayon panimalay ang ilang (her family is happy.)
Ganahan know gubot nga walay panimalay (nobody wants to have a family in need.)

7th Panumbálay - go into the house of a neighbor, close

Ayaw panumbalay. (Do not go near.)

Feel free to askDo you have any questions or comments about this action by my blog.

Please "give Magbinisaya Kita Word Builder Book" by Dr. Jessie Grace U. you when you lift a part of this exercise. Thank you.

Next part is still in "Balay"

Maayong pagtuon!

Monday, 28 December 2009

About Thailand Facts

The Kingdom of Thailand has distributed more than 513,115 square kilometers. E 'is the size of France and a little' smaller than Texas. The capital city of Thailand is Bangkok. Other cities in Thailand Nakhon Ratchasima, Chiang Mai Muang.

Population of Thailand is more than 63 million euros. Most Thais are Buddhists, while there are also Muslims, Hindus and Christians, but they are in the minority. The language of Thai Thailand. However, English is spoken in isolationPockets.

Thailand has fertile soil favorable for agriculture in most rural areas and earn their living by planting rice in the central, northern and northeastern Thailand. The climate in Thailand is tropical. However, Thailand is in the process of development and industrialization, rather than causing a lot of people who migrate from rural areas to cities.

The Thai language is similar to Tai, the language spoken by people in southern China. This has led toThai belief that comes from southern China before migrating to the South-East Asia in the age of 6 or 7 Until 1938, when Thailand was Siam. It has a very close relationship with the United Kingdom signed the Treaty of Friendship and trade with Thailand in 1938 and ended up being the first time that this country was recognized by a Western power.

Japanese occupied Thailand during World War II. In 1945, after the Japanese were defeated, Thailand has begun to closeRelations with the United States to take the communist regime to power.

Thailand's economy is represented by exports. Rice is the main cash crop and is exported to many countries in the world. Fishing and other products associated with this are a huge industry and rubber, corn and sugar forms a large part of the export market.

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