Thursday, 7 October 2010

Golf Vacations in Bangkok, Thailand

There can be no finer destination for your golfing holiday of the Kingdom of Thailand, with more than 260 golf courses and a climate all year round golf, golf played at a relaxed pace, beautiful one stop every 4 holes, golf carts, clubs and really a lot of Thailand has, at the top of the list for a golf vacation.

Wherever you travel in Thailand, you will find great golf courses in the kingdom whole, the most popular regionsare Bangkok, Hua Hin, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Kanchanaburi, and you will find golf courses in all these areas.

Asia is becoming increasingly popular as a destination golf and Thailand is the leading golf destination in Asia, the green fees are cheap compared to Western prices and there are literally 100 courses to choose from.

There is also a wide range of excellent hotel all rooms and offers a standardService that is second to none, this would be expected with excellent restaurants serving Thai and Western cuisine at a fraction of the cost you combine to pay elsewhere.

The factor Caddy

The only thing that Thailand is in addition to all other destinations in Asia is Thailand golf caddy golf, add a new dimension to your golf game, an excellent reading of the greens, but also a sign, clean and re-enter your ball, you never takethe ball from the cup.

The only task of the course is to get the ball unless you tee the ball, of course, after you pass the ball caddy is washed and the T-hit. Many of the caddies are nice and would face strong competitors elsewhere in a beauty contest.

In short, your caddy to add value to your golf experience in Thailand, with her friendly smile and fun-loving nature is certainly another ingredient to a pleasant ThailandGolf vacation.

Bangkok Golf

Bangkok is a modern city, vibrant office towers, ribbons of highways, teeming with traffic and Skytrain, the elevated transit system of its way to the main streets of Bangkok. But alongside these futuristic trimmings are the ancient traditions that visitors love so much - glittering temples and palaces, barefoot monks in orange robes, old wooden houses and ceremonies such as the magnificent Royal BargeProcession on the River of Kings.

Bangkok is the center, financial and political business in Thailand. But it remains a pleasant place to visit, a city famous for entertainment, dining, shopping and night markets in Asia. The hospitality is legendary. All are welcome to come and many of them.

In Bangkok alone there are over 60 golf courses in the metropolitan area of Bangkok, is the most popular Thai Country Club, Golf Club Alpine Golf Club Navatanee, Amata Springs Country Club, allCourses that have hosted PGA Championship tournaments.


No matter where you go in Thailand, you will find a number of activities to satisfy your appetite for adventure, sharpen elephant trekking, rafting, mountain biking, sailing, snorkeling, diving or simply visiting normal, what do you see in Thailand.

I'm in the business of golf tourism in Thailand since 2000 and there can be no true statement of golf in Thailandthe number of clients that I do every year to their experience with golf in Thailand.

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