Thailand Insight Guide (Insight Guides) Review
I recently moved to Thailand, and have just about every guidebook offered. This one has become a favorite for trip planning and light reading. The photos and writeups of the region are top notch, and truly does provide insight into the area. However, if you are looking for a book to travel with, it doesn't have a lot of the quick tips and logistical things you might want. For planning trips, or keeping in your hotel room for some pre-excursion reading, this book is fabulous! Also, for those types of books who consider a guidebook to be a useful photographic memento, this book is a great choice!
Thailand Insight Guide (Insight Guides) Overview
This guide includes a section detailing Thailand's history, 8 features covering aspects of the country's life and culture, ranging from the dwindling numbers of hill tribes to the tasty and aesthetically pleasing cuisine; a region by region visitor's guide to the sights, and a comprehensive travel tips section packed with essential contact addresses and numbers. Plus photographs and 18 maps.
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jun 23, 2010 10:17:05
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