Saturday, 21 August 2010

Check Out The Asia and the Pacific Intra-regional Outbound Series - Thailand (Asian and the Pacific Intra-Regional Outbound Series) for $116.25

The Asia and the Pacific Intra-regional Outbound Series - Thailand (Asian and the Pacific Intra-Regional Outbound Series) Review

The Asia and the Pacific Intra-regional Outbound Series - Thailand (Asian and the Pacific Intra-Regional Outbound Series) Overview

This study is a part of the Asia and Pacific intra-regional outbound tourism series, being conducted by the World Tourism Organization. As intra-regional tourism within the Asia-Pacific region is on the rise, and constitutes a good portion of the total tourists to the region, these studies focus on the potential of the Asia-Pacific generating markets, as a source market for the countries concerned.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 21, 2010 13:34:06

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