Sunday, 28 March 2010

The Demographics and Governance of Bali

A diverse country, Indonesia is made up of an archipelago of some 17,508 islands inhabited by more than 300 distinct ethnic groups. Although it is known as the country with the world's largest Muslim population, Indonesia boasts a heterogeneous demographic make-up with nearly every major world religion commanding a significant following. Indonesia has always possessed a strong central government, but recent changes in 2001 have transferred more and more governing powers to locally elected district and village-level officials for greater regional autonomy.

Such is the case in Bali, perhaps Indonesia's best known province. The island of Bali has long stood apart from the rest of Indonesia thanks to strong local traditions and a distinct religious identity. Throughout its long history Bali has been the target of assimilation by various powers, starting with the Dutch who controlled the island as part of the Dutch East Indies. After Bali was incorporated as a province in the modern nation of Indonesia it remained a bastion of Balinese-Hinduism in the largest Muslim country in the world. The people of Bali take their traditions and religion seriously - the island is home to thousands of temples and minor and major religious festivals are a common occurrence nearly every day of the year.

Census figures reinforce this notion; the island's population is 89% ethnic Balinese. Nearly 93% of the Balinese follow a distinct form of Hinduism unique to the island which has evolved from an amalgamation of Buddhist, Hindu and local beliefs over the centuries. Rather than suppress and control all the things that make Bali unique, the Indonesian government has taken unprecedented steps to foster democracy and encourage self rule in Bali. One such measure is the Bali Democracy Forum that took place in the island on December, 2008 with the hopes of providing a forum for discussing how to build and consolidate democracy in the Asian region.

Many are hopeful that such measures will slowly but surely spread democracy in all of Indonesia's provinces and lead to greater cohesion and cooperation between the various ethnic groups and religious minorities that inhabit the region. Bali is a great example that nations in South East Asia need not be culturally, religiously and ethnically homogeneous to be stable and successful.

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