Stormy Escape: A Vietnamese Woman's Account of Her 1980 Flight Through Cambodia to Thailand Review
Dear Mrs. Kim Ha, I hope this letter eventually reaches you. Yesterday afternoon, I finished reading your book, Stormy Escape. A friend of mine at work (Mrs. Nu Que Thai) recommended that I read it. I believe one of her brothers' was your former high school teacher. From the first page, your words tore at my heart. I found myself wanting to jump inside the book to try and help; but the only thing I could do was, keep reading. My heart raced faster, I was overcome with several emotions; but mostly, I felt ashamed as a human being for being ignorant. I know you must be busy, so I will make this short. First, I want to thank you for writing this book. I wish you and your family the best of health and all the happiness that life can give. Secondly, I must return the book to Mrs. Thai, however, your words and story will stay with me til my last sunset. Thank you, and God Bless, Sincerely, Michael L. Milligan
Stormy Escape: A Vietnamese Woman's Account of Her 1980 Flight Through Cambodia to Thailand Overview
Ha Pham Kim Nhung, her husband and six children fled their Saigon home destined for the United States to join Ha's mother. After a harrowing, two-week overland trek through Vietnam and Cambodia, the family finally made their way to the refugee camps in Thailand only to find the conditions in the camp nearly intolerable. This is the powerful and poignant story of their six months' struggle to escape the Communists in Vietnam. The family traveled through the killing fields of Cambodia only to find themselves in the Para refugee camps in Thailand, with their dehumanizing conditions. But all the while the family maintained their strength and love for one another and ultimately joined Ms. Ha's mother in the United States.
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Thank for the book - -
Hello Mrs. Kim Ha
Thank for your book. Around me, personally I know that there are four poeple died on the sea during the trip escape from vietnam. My sister, She came on boat and we never have any information about her again. My highschool teacher. After the summer we could not find him in our school and my friend told he was death on a trip escape to Hong Kong. And a litle girl next to my door she was just 4 year olds her mother could not save her from death because they was out of food when their ship was lost on the sea. Many many young girls was raped by Thailan robbers then killed. Sometime I wanna look up the sky and ask who cause all the pain for many generations. Sometime I just feel really hunger for the revenge. My English is not good but one thing I am sure that It is good enough to show my appriciation to your work.
Toan Nguyen
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 11, 2010 21:15:08
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